28 人被阻止,18 人在波特兰毒品清扫中被捕,缴获 1.4 公斤芬太尼,$2k 被盗自行车。 28 stopped, 18 arrested in Portland drug sweep, 1.4 kg fentanyl, $2k stolen bike seized.
波特兰警方和交通警察最近针对以毒品问题而闻名的 Hazelwood 社区的街头毒品滥用。 Portland Police and Transit Police recently targeted street-level drug abuse in the Hazelwood Neighborhood, known for its drug issues. 这次行动导致28人和19辆车被截停,18人被捕,1辆车被拖走。 The operation resulted in the stop of 28 people and 19 vehicles, leading to 18 arrests and the towing of one vehicle. 当局追回了一辆价值2 000美元的被盗自行车,没收了大量毒品,包括1.4公斤芬太尼、33克海洛因和1 000片芬太尼药。 Authorities recovered a stolen bike valued at $2,000 and seized significant quantities of drugs, including 1.4 kilos of fentanyl, 33 grams of heroin, and 1,000 fentanyl pills.