Montana的总检察长向最高法院提出上诉,要求恢复要求未成年人堕胎须经父母同意的法律。 Montana's Attorney General appeals to Supreme Court to reinstate law requiring parental consent for minors' abortions.
Montana的总检察长Austin Knudsen要求美国最高法院审查一项州级裁决, Montana's Attorney General, Austin Knudsen, has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a state ruling that struck down a 2013 law requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions. 蒙大拿最高法院认定该法律侵犯了未成年人的隐私权。 The Montana Supreme Court found the law violated minors' privacy rights. Knudsen认为,国家必须在医疗决定中兼顾未成年人的隐私和父母权利,这可能会影响全国各地的堕胎法。 Knudsen argues the state must balance a minor's privacy with parental rights in medical decisions, potentially impacting abortion laws across the country.