卡纳塔卡警察发现被投降的毛派分子藏匿的武器,促使人们呼吁进行调查。 Karnataka police found weapons hidden by surrendered Maoists, prompting calls for an investigation.
卡纳塔卡警察在基塔勒古利村附近发现最近投降的毛派分子藏匿的武器,包括一支AK-56、步枪、手枪和弹药。 Karnataka police found weapons hidden by Maoists who recently surrendered, including an AK-56, rifles, a pistol, and ammunition, near Kittaleguli village. 6名投降的毛主义分子被拘押,但最初没有交出武器。 The six surrendered Maoists were taken into custody but did not initially hand over the weapons. 印度人民党呼吁进行彻底调查,质疑投降的真实性。 The BJP has called for a thorough investigation, questioning the authenticity of the surrender.