Jacob Dieball,27岁,在克利夫兰县拘留中心的牢房中被发现死亡;原因正在调查中。 Jacob Dieball, 27, was found dead in his cell at the Cleveland County Detention Center; cause under investigation.
Jacob Shane Dieball,27岁,星期五在克利夫兰县拘留中心的牢房中被发现无反应,后来被宣布死亡。 Jacob Shane Dieball, 27, was found unresponsive in his cell at the Cleveland County Detention Center on Friday and later pronounced dead. 医务人员试图将他救活并施用纳洛酮。 Medical staff attempted to revive him and administered naloxone. 俄克拉荷马州验尸官办公室正在对死因进行调查,并由该机构提供协助。 The cause of death is under investigation by the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's office, with the OSBI assisting. 10月,Dieball因被控在重罪和毒品犯罪后持有火器等罪名被捕。 Dieball was arrested in October on charges including firearm possession after a felony and drug offenses. 这是该设施一年内第六例死亡。 This is the sixth death at the facility in a year.