印度开发导电墨以削减每年15.72M美元的技术进口,目的是实现自给自足。 India develops conductive ink to cut $15.72M annual tech imports, aiming for self-sufficiency.
印度正在通过开发自己的银纳米电路导电墨逐步实现先进电子材料自给自足。 India is moving towards self-sufficiency in advanced electronic materials by developing its own silver nanowire-based conductive ink. 这项技术转让给两家新开办企业,可以大大减少该国每年1 572万美元的进口依赖。 This technology, transferred to two startups, could significantly reduce the country's annual $15.72 million import dependency. 这种墨水的全球市场预计到2032年将达到168.7亿美元以上,这是由电子和太阳能工业的高需求驱动的。 The global market for this ink is projected to reach over $16.87 billion by 2032, driven by high demand in electronics and solar industries.