法国对新喀里多尼亚的卫生危机作出反应,并通过外交和军事手段主张太平洋的存在。 France responds to New Caledonia's health crisis and asserts Pacific presence through diplomacy and military.
新喀里多尼亚的卫生系统已丧失40%的床位容量,自2024年年中以来,由于医务人员离开,300张床位关闭,剩余工作人员负担过重。 New Caledonia's health system has lost 40% of its bed capacity, with 300 beds closed due to medical staff departures since mid-2024, overburdening remaining staff. 法国任命其第一位常驻萨摩亚大使,以加强与太平洋领土的联系。 France appoints its first resident ambassador in Samoa to strengthen ties with Pacific territories. 法国的查尔斯·戴高乐航空母舰今年晚些时候将部署到太平洋进行一次演习,表明法国对该区域的承诺。 The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will deploy to the Pacific later this year for an exercise, showcasing France's commitment to the region.