美联储批准UMB收购Heartland金融公司, 扩大UMB的资产和范围。 Federal Reserve approves UMB's acquisition of Heartland Financial, expanding UMB's assets and reach.
联邦储备委员会已批准UMB金融公司收购Heartland金融美国公司,这两家金融机构分别设在密苏里州和科罗拉多州。 The Federal Reserve Board has approved UMB Financial Corporation's acquisition of Heartland Financial USA, Inc., both financial institutions based in Missouri and Colorado, respectively. 这笔交易预计将在2025年1月31日前结束,它将把资本市场管理局的资产扩大到约660亿美元,并增加其零售存款和财富管理资产。 The deal, expected to close by January 31, 2025, will expand UMB's assets to about $66 billion and increase its retail deposits and wealth management assets. 此外,该收购将扩大联监委的存在,从8个州扩大到13个州。 Additionally, the acquisition will broaden UMB's presence to 13 states from 8.