瑞士银行业巨头瑞银完成对瑞士信贷的收购,结束了该银行的存在。 Swiss banking giant UBS completes acquisition of Credit Suisse, ending lender's existence.
瑞士银行巨头瑞银已完成对瑞士信贷的收购,正式结束了这家陷入困境的银行的存在。 Swiss banking giant UBS has completed its acquisition of Credit Suisse, officially ending the struggling lender's existence. 继 2021 年 3 月达成救助协议后,瑞银正在积极采取成本节约措施,目标到 2026 年节省 130 亿美元。 Following a rescue deal in March 2021, UBS is pursuing an aggressive cost-saving drive, aiming to save $13bn by 2026. 此次合并有利于客户向瑞银平台迁移,原瑞信客户现已转变为瑞银客户。 The merger facilitates client migration onto UBS platforms, with former Credit Suisse clients now transitioned into UBS customers.