阿塞拜疆总统向促进该国海关业务的海关主管致敬。 Azerbaijani President honors customs chief for boosting the country's customs operations.
阿塞拜疆总统伊尔哈姆·阿利耶夫授予国家海关委员会主席沙欣·巴吉罗夫向祖国提供服务的一级勋章。 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has awarded Shahin Bagirov, the Chairman of the State Customs Committee, with the 1st degree Order For Service to the Fatherland. 巴吉罗夫为海关业务的发展作出了重大贡献,他在阿塞拜疆海关部门开展了广泛而有效的工作,这是对巴吉罗夫的表彰。 This recognition honors Bagirov's significant contributions to the development of customs operations and his extensive, effective work in the customs sector in Azerbaijan.