阿塞拜疆总统向飞机坠机受害者致敬,授予船员国家英雄地位。 Azerbaijani president honors plane crash victims, awarding crew members national hero status.
阿塞拜疆总统伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫赞扬阿塞拜疆承诺尊重其公民的英雄主义,特别是那些受到最近飞机坠毁事件影响的人。 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev praised the country's commitment to honoring its citizens' heroism, especially those affected by a recent plane crash. 三名机组人员在获得国家英雄头衔后被授予名誉,两名幸存者获得国家荣誉。 Three crew members were posthumously awarded the National Hero title, and two survivors received high state honors. 阿利耶夫总统说,这反映了国家对其公民的尊重,目的是安慰死者的家人。 President Aliyev said this reflects the state's respect for its citizens and aims to console the families of the deceased.