在路易斯安那州,一名身着垃圾袋的4岁妇女被发现受伤后,在路易斯安那州被捕。 Woman arrested in Louisiana after her four-year-old was found injured, wearing a trash bag.
在路易斯安那州Allen Parish,一名21岁的妇女,在她四岁的孩子发现她身穿垃圾袋时被塑料管殴打受伤后,被捕。 A 21-year-old woman in Allen Parish, Louisiana, was arrested after her four-year-old child was found with injuries from being beaten with a plastic utensil while wearing a trash bag. 这名儿童被送往医院,后来被释放。 The child was taken to the hospital and later released. Haily Bellard面临指控,包括对青少年的二度残忍对待和严重殴打。 Haily Bellard faces charges including second-degree cruelty to juveniles and aggravated battery.