一名4岁女孩在遭受严重虐待后处于危急状态;她的照料者被逮捕。 A 4-year-old girl is in critical condition after suffering severe abuse; her caregiver was arrested.
Harris县一名4岁女孩在遭受据信是虐待造成的严重伤害后处于危急状态。 A 4-year-old girl in Harris County is in critical condition after suffering severe injuries believed to be from abuse. 自9月以来,她一直由30岁的Tameria Barnett照料,她就是孩子被监禁的母亲的朋友。 She had been in the care of Tameria Barnett, 30, a friend of the child's incarcerated mother, since September. Barnett被逮捕并被指控伤害一名儿童,她目前被关押在Harris县监狱。 Barnett was arrested and charged with injury to a child, and she is currently held at Harris County Jail. HCSO凶杀组的调查是由儿童生命受到威胁的伤害引发的。 The investigation by the HCSO Homicide Unit was triggered by the child's life-threatening injuries.