威斯康星州法官任命特别检察官调查Ridglan农场潜在的动物虐待。 Wisconsin judge appoints special prosecutor to investigate potential animal cruelty at Ridglan Farms.
威斯康星州法官已任命一名特别检察官,调查对Ridglan农场(用于生物医学测试的养狗设施)可能提出的动物虐待指控。 A Wisconsin judge has appointed a special prosecutor to investigate potential animal cruelty charges against Ridglan Farms, a dog breeding facility used for biomedical testing. 这一决定是在听取了有关虐待的证据,包括前雇员的证词和表明狗生活条件差的文件之后作出的。 This decision came after a hearing presented evidence of abuse, including testimony from former employees and documents showing poor living conditions for the dogs. 地方当局以前拒绝对动物权利团体的投诉采取行动。 Local authorities had previously declined to act on complaints from animal rights groups.