Wilmington警察局长Donny Williams减少暴力犯罪,将于2025年6月退休。 Wilmington Police Chief Donny Williams, who reduced violent crime, will retire by June 2025.
Wilmington警察局长Donny Williams宣布退休, 最迟于2025年6月30日起生效, Wilmington Police Chief Donny Williams announced his retirement, effective no later than June 30, 2025, after a five-year tenure marked by a reduction in violent crime and efforts to improve community trust. 1992年加入警察部队的威廉斯领导该部进行了重大变革,包括面向社区的方案。 Williams, who joined the force in 1992, has led the department through significant changes, including community-oriented programs. 市议会将很快开始寻找他的替补人选 The city council will soon begin the search for his replacement.