威尔明顿的长期城市经理托尼·考德勒宣布退休, 他在地方政府任职近44年。 Wilmington's longtime city manager, Tony Caudle, announced his retirement after nearly 44 years in local government.
Wilmington市经理Tony Caudle在地方政府工作近44年, 宣布从2025年5月30日起退休。 Wilmington City Manager Tony Caudle, who has spent nearly 44 years in local government, announced his retirement effective May 30, 2025. 自2021年成为城市经理以来,Caudle在市区的重新开发和应急准备中发挥了关键作用。 Since becoming city manager in 2021, Caudle has been pivotal in downtown redevelopment and emergency preparedness. 比尔·萨福市长称赞了他的贡献。 Mayor Bill Saffo praised his contributions. 市议会将很快确定甄选新城市经理的程序。 The city council will soon determine the process for selecting a new city manager.