越南男子因企图贿赂和在新加坡机场用厕所刷子袭击警察而被判处4个月徒刑。 Vietnamese man sentenced to 4 months for bribery attempt and assaulting police with a toilet brush at Singapore airport.
29岁的越南男子Tran Phuong Hau因企图在Changi机场用8美元贿赂一名军官,随后在拘留期间用破碎的马桶刷袭击一名CPIB官员,被判处4个月零1周监禁。 Tran Phuong Hau, a 29-year-old Vietnamese man, was sentenced to four months and a week in jail for attempting to bribe an officer with $8 at Changi Airport and later attacking a CPIB officer with a broken toilet brush while in custody. Hau提供贿赂以“买咖啡”, 并试图在被未申报的香烟抓住后逃跑。 Hau offered the bribe to "buy coffee" and tried to escape after being caught with undeclared cigarettes. 他表示悔恨并请求宽大处理。 He showed remorse and pleaded for leniency.