路易斯安那州有两名青少年因试图用假的不适当信息 陷害他们的老师而被捕 Two teens in Louisiana arrested for trying to frame their teacher with fake inappropriate messages.
在路易斯安那州,两名少女因企图陷害高中教师发送不适当信息而被捕。 Two teenage girls in Louisiana were arrested for attempting to frame their high school teacher for sending inappropriate messages. 他们建立假账户和捏造信息,与朋友分享截图。 They created fake accounts and fabricated messages, sharing screenshots with friends. 经过为期两周的调查,这名教师被洗清罪名,这些女孩被控假宣誓、网络跟踪和在线冒名顶替,并被置于电子监控之下。 After a two-week investigation, the teacher was cleared, and the girls were charged with false swearing, cyberstalking, and online impersonation, placed on electronic monitoring.