三年级女孩被指控通过假脸书账户对俄亥俄州学校进行炸弹威胁。 Third-grade girl charged with making bomb threats against Ohio schools via fake Facebook account.
俄亥俄州一名三年级女孩因涉嫌通过假脸书账户对Clearview高中和Durling中学进行炸弹威胁而面临刑事指控。 A third-grade girl in Ohio faces criminal charges for allegedly making bomb threats against Clearview High School and Durling Middle School via a fake Facebook account. 学校被暂时关闭和搜查,但没有发现炸弹。 The schools were temporarily closed and searched, but no bombs were found. 9月,女孩承认受到威胁和类似事件。 The girl admitted to the threats and similar incidents in September. 她现在被控引起恐慌,并被转介到少年法庭评估中心。 She is now charged with inducing panic and has been referred to the Juvenile Court Assessment Center. 这一事件引发了关于儿童接触社交媒体的讨论。 The incident has sparked discussions about children's access to social media.