多伦多市长Olivia Chow将交通代理程序扩大至100名代理,旨在减少拥堵。 Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow expands traffic agent program to 100 agents, aiming to cut congestion.
多伦多市长Olivia Chow计划扩大该市的交通代理方案,将交通代理增加到100人,并花费300万美元减少交通拥堵和改善交通流量。 Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow plans to expand the city's traffic agent program, increasing the number of agents to 100 and spending $3 million to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. 该方案在市中心取得了成功,交通代理阻止96%的车辆阻塞交叉路口,将旅行时间减少了33%。 The program has seen success in the downtown core, with traffic agents preventing 96% of vehicles from blocking intersections and reducing travel times by 33%. 然而,一些批评者认为,这是一个“施惠援助解决方案”,需要做更多的工作来协调建设项目和道路占用许可。 However, some critics argue that it is a "Band-Aid solution" and that more needs to be done to coordinate construction projects and road occupancy permits.