安大略省交通拥堵在2024年造成经济损失130亿美元,成为主要的家庭开支。 Traffic congestion in Ontario cost the economy $13 billion in 2024, becoming a major household expense.
据估计,安大略省交通拥堵在2024年造成经济损失约130亿美元,运输部门成为家庭开支第二大部门,比食品支出高23%。 Traffic congestion in Ontario is estimated to cost the economy about $13 billion in 2024, with the transportation sector becoming the second-largest household expense, 23% higher than food. 由建筑和道路建筑商团体委托进行的研究突显了2001年以来交通量的增加,并警告说,如果没有政府对基础设施的投资,问题将会恶化。 The study, commissioned by construction and road builders’ groups, highlights increased traffic since 2001 and warns that without government investment in infrastructure, the problem will worsen. 一项调查显示,有一半的居民考虑搬迁,特别是年轻一代。 A survey shows half of residents consider moving, especially younger generations. 为解决这一问题,专家们建议采用在其他国家已经取得成功的拥堵定价办法,以改善交通流量和减少排放量。 To address the issue, experts suggest congestion pricing, which has shown success in other countries, to improve traffic flow and reduce emissions.