三名救生员面临克里斯托弗·罗杰斯 2017年溺水死亡的审讯 因被指控在Armagh的游泳池玩忽职守 Three lifeguards face trial for Christopher Rogers' 2017 drowning death due to alleged negligence at a pool in Armagh.
2017年,20岁的Christopher Rogers在Armagh Orchard Leisure Central的Orchard Leisure Center在游泳池底躺了五分钟以上,死于缺氧断电。 In 2017, 20-year-old Christopher Rogers died after suffering a hypoxic blackout and lying at the bottom of a pool for over five minutes at Orchard Leisure Centre in Armagh. 三名救生员因违反确保安全的职责而受审,闭路电视显示他们在聊天而不是及时回应。 Three lifeguards are on trial for breaching their duty to ensure safety, with CCTV showing them chatting instead of responding promptly. 控方声称他们的疏忽导致罗杰斯死于氧气饿死 辩方则认为他们反应得越快越好 The prosecution claims their negligence led to Rogers' death from oxygen starvation, while the defense argues they responded as quickly as possible. 审判继续。 The trial continues.