研究显示 剑齿掠食者 进化了不同的牙齿形状 以刺穿猎物和抵抗断裂 Study reveals sabre-toothed predators evolved varied tooth shapes for puncturing prey and resisting breakage.
研究人员发现,剑齿捕食者由于在有效围捕猎物和抵抗断裂之间保持最佳的平衡,其独特的牙齿多次演变。 Researchers found that sabre-toothed predators evolved their distinctive teeth multiple times due to their optimal balance between puncturing prey effectively and resisting breakage. Smilodon等极端形式在标点上效率很高,但更容易破碎,而Dinofelis等不那么极端的形式则提供了一种更平衡的权衡。 Extreme forms like Smilodon were highly efficient at puncturing but more prone to breaking, while less extreme forms like Dinofelis offered a more balanced trade-off. 该研究在《当前生物学》中发表,挑战了对sabre牙食肉动物的传统分类,并揭示了各种sabre牙形,提出了多种狩猎策略。 The study, published in Current Biology, challenges the traditional classification of sabre-toothed predators and reveals a spectrum of sabre-tooth shapes, suggesting diverse hunting strategies.