鲸鱼在澳大利亚水域捕食大白鲨,在鲨鱼尸体上进行的DNA试验证实了这一点。 Orcas preyed on a great white shark in Australian waters, as confirmed by DNA tests on a shark carcass.
Flinders大学的研究人员证实了澳大利亚水域第一起猎食大白鲨的猎物案件。 Researchers from Flinders University have confirmed the first case of orcas preying on a great white shark in Australian waters. 在Victoria发现的与Orca DNA相匹配的4.7米鲨鱼尸体上的咬伤伤口DNA测试。 DNA tests from bite wounds on a 4.7-meter shark carcass found in Victoria matched orca DNA. 这种掠夺类似于在南非发动的袭击导致鲨鱼数量减少,突出了保持白鲨数量对生态平衡的重要性。 This predation, similar to attacks off South Africa contributing to shark population declines, highlights the importance of maintaining white shark numbers for ecological balance.