研究质疑林业发展局核准的基因测试在预测阿片成瘾风险方面的准确性。 Study questions FDA-approved genetic test's accuracy in predicting opioid addiction risk.
最近对JAMA Open网络进行的一项研究对预测类阿片使用紊乱(OUD)风险的遗传测试的有效性提出了疑问,林业发展局最近批准了这一测试。 A recent study in JAMA Network Open questions the effectiveness of a genetic test for predicting opioid use disorder (OUD) risk, which was recently approved by the FDA. 研究人员Christal Davis和Henry Kranzler分析了450 000多名参与者提供的数据,发现试验的15种基因变异导致假阳性和假阴性的比率很高。 Researchers Christal Davis and Henry Kranzler analyzed data from over 450,000 participants and found that the test's 15 genetic variants led to high rates of both false positives and false negatives. 本研究强调,在为OUD进行基因测试时,需要更可靠的数据,并考虑到环境和个别因素。 This study highlights the need for more robust data and consideration of environmental and individual factors in genetic testing for OUD.