路易斯安那州和得克萨斯州部分地区的学校由于冬季天气和洪水警报,星期五关闭。 Schools in parts of Louisiana and Texas close Friday due to winter weather and flood warnings.
东得克萨斯州的农场主被建议保护牲畜免受寒冷潮湿的冬天的侵袭,办法是提供防风堤、尽量减少泥土、避免在恶劣天气中运输、调整喂养和维持牲畜健康。 Ranchers in East Texas are advised to protect their livestock from cold, wet winters by providing windbreaks, minimizing mud, avoiding transport in severe weather, adjusting feeding, and maintaining herd health. 中北部和西北路易斯安那州以及得克萨斯州杰克逊维尔州的学校,由于冬季天气和洪水警报,星期五将关闭。 Schools in north central and northwest Louisiana and Jacksonville, Texas, will be closed on Friday due to winter weather and flood warnings. 洛杉矶地区正在处理破坏性大火,这些大火摧毁了1 900多个建筑,导致大范围的疏散和娱乐业的中断。 The Los Angeles area is dealing with devastating fires that have destroyed over 1,900 structures, leading to widespread evacuations and disruptions in the entertainment industry.