由于龙卷风等恶劣天气威胁,俄克拉荷马州和威奇托市的学校取消了课外活动。 Schools in Oklahoma and Wichita cancel after-school activities due to severe weather threats, including tornadoes.
由于强风、降雨、冰雹和龙卷风等恶劣天气威胁,俄克拉荷马州和威奇托市的多所学校取消了课后和晚间活动。 Multiple schools in Oklahoma and Wichita have cancelled after-school and evening activities due to severe weather threats, including strong winds, rain, hail, and tornadoes. 一些学校也提前放假并推迟或取消了会议和活动。 Some schools have also closed early and postponed or cancelled meetings and events. 国家气象局和 Accuweather 已发布潜在龙卷风和极端天气状况的警报。 The National Weather Service and Accuweather have issued alerts for potential tornadoes and extreme weather conditions.