研究人员发现黑猩猩的基因适应 与人类相似 有助于抵抗疟疾 Researchers find chimpanzees have genetic adaptations similar to humans that help resist malaria.
尼共(UCL)的研究人员发现黑猩猩具有基因适应性,有助于他们在各种生境中生存,有可能保护它们免受疟疾的侵袭。 Researchers from UCL have found that chimpanzees have genetic adaptations that help them survive in various habitats, potentially protecting them from malaria. 在研究828只野生黑猩猩时, 他们发现了与人类相似的适应性, 揭示了疟疾抗药性和人类进化。 Studying 828 wild chimps, they discovered adaptations similar to those in humans, offering insights into malaria resistance and human evolution. 这项研究强调了在生境丧失和偷猎等威胁中保护黑猩猩基因多样性的重要性。 This research underscores the importance of preserving chimp genetic diversity amid threats like habitat loss and poaching.