警方搜寻失踪的7岁的Adam Glanville 和他的母亲 最后一次见到他们在伦敦 Police search for missing 7-year-old Adam Glanville and his mother, last seen in London.
警方正在寻找失踪的7岁男孩Adam Glanville和他的母亲Karima Mahmoud, 最后一次见面是2024年6月3日在伦敦里士满。 Police are searching for a missing 7-year-old boy, Adam Glanville, and his mother, Karima Mahmoud, last seen together in Richmond, London, on June 3, 2024. Karima最后被发现于10月24日在费尔特汉姆(Feltham)。 Karima was last spotted in Feltham on October 24. Mary Dawson警探正在寻求公众的帮助,特别是查明与他们在一起的两名男子的身份,他们涉嫌掌握有关其下落的信息。 Detective Sergeant Mary Dawson is appealing for the public's help, particularly in identifying two men seen with them, suspected of having information about their whereabouts. 警察已公布图像,并正在敦促任何有信息的人于8点55分111分以匿名方式与101号或Crimestopers联系。 The police have released images and are urging anyone with information to contact them at 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously at 0800 555 111.