警方正在搜寻来自北约克郡的两名失踪的15岁女孩,最后一次见到是在11月16日。 Police are searching for two missing 15-year-old girls from North Yorkshire, last seen on November 16.
两名15岁的女孩,Tillie-Mae Goldup和Chloe Newall在北约克郡Womersley失踪,最后一次见到是在11月16日下午8点左右。 Two 15-year-old girls, Tillie-Mae Goldup and Chloe Newall, went missing from Womersley, North Yorkshire, last seen around 8 PM on November 16. 他们正朝庞特分节和韦克菲尔德方向行进,与阿斯肯、唐卡斯特和北安普顿有联系。 They were heading towards Pontefract and Wakefield, with connections to Askern, Doncaster, and Northampton. 警方正在进行广泛的搜查,并越来越关心他们的福利。 Police are conducting extensive searches and are increasingly concerned for their welfare. 任何人如有情报,应联系北约克郡警察局101号,引用12240210046号参考资料,或打电话999,如果他们看到这些女孩。 Anyone with information should contact North Yorkshire Police at 101, quoting reference 12240210046, or call 999 if they see the girls.