安大略男子在2026年因据称向40多个国家出售自杀用具而面临审判。 Ontario man faces trial in 2026 for allegedly selling suicide kits to over 40 countries.
Kenneth Law是一名安大略省男子,被控在网上向后来自杀者出售致命物质,2026年1月受审。 Kenneth Law, an Ontario man accused of selling lethal substances online to individuals who later committed suicide, faces trial in January 2026. 由于向加拿大最高法院提出上诉,该案被推迟。 The case was postponed due to an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. 法律被控14项一级谋杀和协助自杀罪。 Law is charged with 14 counts of first-degree murder and aiding suicide. 警方指控他经营网站销售自残物品,将物品运往40多个国家。 Police allege he operated websites selling items for self-harm, shipping to over 40 countries.