由于高通货膨胀率,尼日利亚将在不到两年的时间内审查其全国最低工资。 Nigeria will review its national minimum wage in less than two years due to high inflation.
尼日利亚劳动和就业国务部长Nkeiruka Onyejeocha宣布,国家最低工资将在不到两年的时间内进行审查,比最初计划的五年周期有所减少。 Nigeria's Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, announced that the national minimum wage will be reviewed in less than two years, a reduction from the initially planned five-year cycle. 这符合博拉·蒂努布总统每三年对最低工资进行审查的承诺。 This aligns with President Bola Tinubu's commitment to reviewing the minimum wage every three years. 2024年11月通胀率达到34. 60%。 The announcement comes amid rising inflation, which reached 34.60% in November 2024. Onyejeocha敦促劳动领导人确保工作场所的和平与稳定,目标是实现无罢工年。 Onyejeocha urged labor leaders to ensure peace and stability in the workplace, aiming for a strike-free year.