新奥尔良市议会调查Bourbon街障碍物的安全和攻击后采购问题。 New Orleans City Council investigates Bourbon Street barriers' safety and procurement post-attack.
新奥尔良市议会正在调查法国区街头障碍物(包括bollards)的采购和运行情况,重点是波旁街。 The New Orleans City Council is investigating the procurement and operation of street barriers, including bollards, in the French Quarter, focusing on Bourbon Street. 这是继新年攻击事件之后发生的。 This follows a New Year's Day attack. 调查将利用传票权力审查障碍的效力和安全以及采购决定。 The investigation will scrutinize barriers' effectiveness and safety, as well as procurement decisions, with subpoena power. 它还将审查维修问题,例如碎片堆积问题,并力求在超级碗等即将到来的活动之前加强安全。 It will also examine maintenance issues, such as debris clogging, and aims to enhance security before upcoming events like the Super Bowl.