在Duluth发生刺伤事件后被捕的男子;受害者的情况不明。 Man arrested after stabbing incident in Duluth; victim's condition unknown.
一名24岁的男子被捕,在星期四中午12点22分左右Duluth's Hillside社区发生刺伤事件后被关押在圣路易斯县监狱。 A 24-year-old man has been arrested and is being held at St. Louis County Jail after a stabbing incident in Duluth's Hillside neighborhood on Thursday at around 12:22 pm. 受害者被送往当地一家医院,目前他们的状况尚不得而知。 The victim was taken to a local hospital, and their condition is currently unknown. 警察表示,公共安全没有持续受到威胁,事件正在调查之中。 Police have stated there is no ongoing threat to public safety, and the incident is under investigation.