在涉及1 740万林吉特的洗钱案件中,马来西亚警方逮捕了5人,包括一名电视经理。 Malaysian police arrest five, including a TV executive, in a money laundering case involving RM17.4 million.
马来西亚警方逮捕了五人,包括沙捞越电视台的一名高级管理人员,他们涉嫌洗钱。 Police in Malaysia have arrested five individuals, including a senior executive of a Sarawak TV station, for suspected money laundering. 反洗钱司根据2017年至2024年的可疑交易情报,在“Ops Ragada”期间逮捕了这些人员。 The Anti-Money Laundering division made the arrests during "Ops Ragada" based on intelligence of suspicious transactions from 2017 to 2024. 警方扣押了价值约1 740万林吉特的资产。 Police seized assets worth about RM17.4 million. 该案正在根据若干反洗钱和反腐败法律进行调查。 The case is being investigated under several anti-money laundering and corruption laws.