新加坡警方调查95起无证借钱案, 包括骚扰和银行诈骗。 Singapore police investigate 95 for unlicensed moneylending, including harassment and bank fraud.
作为11月11日至15日行动的一部分,新加坡警方正在调查95名参与无许可证的洗钱活动的个人。 Singaporean police are investigating 95 individuals involved in unlicensed moneylending activities as part of an operation from November 11 to 15. 5名嫌疑人参与骚扰债务人,40人协助自动取款机转账,50人帮助为非法放款人开设和管理银行账户。 Five suspects were involved in harassing debtors, 40 assisted with ATM transfers, and 50 helped open and manage bank accounts for illegal moneylenders. 嫌疑人年龄介于14至76岁之间,调查正在进行中。 The suspects range in age from 14 to 76, and investigations are ongoing.