Liam Whelan,63人以前被定罪,因用瓶子攻击心脏病医生被判处9年半监禁。 Liam Whelan, with 63 prior convictions, sentenced to nine and a half years for attacking a cardiologist with a bottle.
Liam Whelan, 43岁,43岁,先前已定罪63人,被判处9年6个月监禁,罪名是:在都柏林一家酒吧见面后,在受害者家中用香槟瓶袭击一名心脏病学家。 Liam Whelan, a 43-year-old man with 63 previous convictions, has been sentenced to nine years and six months in prison for attacking a cardiologist with a champagne bottle in the victim's home after meeting at a Dublin pub. 受害人受重伤,包括头骨骨折、大块血块和永久性听力损失,且无法工作6个月。 The victim suffered severe injuries, including a skull fracture, a large blood clot, and permanent hearing loss, and was unable to work for six months. 惠兰尽管声称自卫,却仍被判定犯有造成严重损害和抢劫的殴打罪。 Whelan was convicted of assault causing serious harm and robbery despite claiming self-defense.