南达科他州前社会服务工作者因使用援助凭单供个人使用而面临轻罪。 Former South Dakota social services worker faces misdemeanor for using aid vouchers for personal use.
南达科他州社会服务部一名前雇员Amalia Escalante Barrientos因滥用供需要自己购买食品的家庭使用的杂货券而被起诉。 A former South Dakota Department of Social Services employee, Amalia Escalante Barrientos, has been indicted for misusing a grocery voucher meant for families in need to buy groceries for herself. 轻罪指控可能导致最高达一年的监禁、2 000美元的罚款或两者兼罚。 The misdemeanor charge could result in up to a year in jail, a $2,000 fine, or both. 这是针对国家雇员的一系列欺诈案件的一部分,促使总检察长提出立法改革建议,以加强问责制和透明度。 This is part of a series of fraud cases against state employees, prompting the Attorney General to propose legislative changes to enhance accountability and transparency.