前足球运动员Dean Windass, 55岁, 被诊断患有痴呆症, 燃料需要运动员的健康支持。 Former footballer Dean Windass, 55, diagnosed with dementia, fuels calls for player health support.
前足球运动员Dean Windass, 55岁, 被诊断患有第二阶段痴呆症, Former footballer Dean Windass, 55, has been diagnosed with stage two dementia, highlighting concerns about the sport's impact on players' long-term health. 温达斯以他在推进赫尔城和布拉德福德城进入英超联赛的关键角色而闻名, 他认为在职业生涯中重复的头部冲击可能导致了他的病情. Windass, known for his key roles in promoting Hull City and Bradford City to the Premier League, believes repeated head impacts during his career may have contributed to his condition. 这一诊断促使人们在David Beckham和当地市长的支持下,开展运动,为受影响的参与者制定痴呆症战略和提供护理基金。 This diagnosis has spurred campaigns for a dementia strategy and care fund for affected players, with support from David Beckham and local mayors.