41 岁的前利兹犀牛橄榄球明星罗布·伯罗自 2019 年以来一直在与运动神经元疾病作斗争,经过五年的斗争后去世。 41-year-old ex-Leeds Rhinos rugby star Rob Burrow, battling Motor Neurone Disease since 2019, passed away after a five-year fight.
前利兹犀牛橄榄球明星罗伯·伯罗在与运动神经元疾病 (MND) 斗争五年后于 41 岁去世。 Former Leeds Rhinos rugby star Rob Burrow passed away at 41 following a five-year battle with Motor Neurone Disease (MND). 曾八次获得超级联赛冠军的伯罗于2019年被确诊患有癌症。 Burrow, who won eight Super League titles, was diagnosed in 2019. 他与前队友凯文·辛菲尔德 (Kevin Sinfield) 一起筹集了数百万美元,为 MND 患者建立了护理中心。 Alongside ex-teammate Kevin Sinfield, he raised millions to build a care center for MND patients. 利兹犀牛队对伯罗在一生与运动神经元病斗争中所表现出的决心和鼓舞人心的表现表示赞扬。 Leeds Rhinos praised Burrow's determination and inspiration during his life and battle with MND.