Follansbee和Wellsburg分会合并为布鲁克郡区分会,目的是促进当地企业的发展。 Follansbee and Wellsburg chambers merge to form Brooke County Area Chamber, aiming to boost local businesses.
Follansbee和Wellsburg商会合并为布鲁克县商会,旨在加强当地社区。 The Follansbee and Wellsburg chambers of commerce have merged to form the Brooke County Area Chamber of Commerce, aiming to strengthen local communities. 新的商会将汇集资源,支持大约150个地方企业,并扩大诸如教育补助金和社区活动等倡议。 The new chamber will pool resources to support around 150 local businesses and expand initiatives like educational grants and community events. 该理事会代表这两个领域,力求在俄亥俄河谷加强区域合作和促进商业增长。 The board, representing both areas, seeks to enhance regional collaboration and foster business growth in the Ohio Valley.