俄亥俄哥伦比亚州哥伦比亚县的目标是利用新的商业数据提高市中心的活力和就业机会。 Columbiana County, Ohio, aims to boost downtown vibrancy and jobs using new business data.
俄亥俄州哥伦比亚县官员收到有关他们7个市中心区的活力和商业构成的详细数据, Officials in Columbiana County, Ohio, have received detailed data on the vibrancy and business composition of their seven downtown areas, courtesy of Town Center Associates. 这些信息可通过在线数据库获得,侧重于空缺、建筑条件和当前业务组合。 This information, available through an online database, focuses on vacancies, building conditions, and current business mixes. 目标是通过促进零售、食品和娱乐选择的均衡组合,提高市区的活力,并有可能创造数千个就业机会。 The goal is to enhance downtown vibrancy and potentially create thousands of jobs by promoting a balanced mix of retail, food, and entertainment options.