伊顿火灾接近山. 威尔逊,冒着洛杉矶大型电视和广播塔的风险 Eaton Fire nears Mt. Wilson, risking LA's major TV and radio broadcasting towers.
洛杉矶的伊顿大火正在威胁山。 The Eaton Fire in Los Angeles is threatening Mt. 威尔逊是洛杉矶各大电台的重要电视和无线电传输塔的所在地 Wilson, which houses crucial TV and radio transmission towers for LA's major stations. 如果大火达到顶峰,可能会干扰几个电视台和广播电台的广播,尽管大多数观众使用电缆、卫星或流线服务,而这些服务不会受到影响。 If the fire reaches the peak, it could disrupt broadcasting for several TV and radio stations, though most viewers use cable, satellite, or streaming services, which wouldn't be affected. 该站点已被疏散, 但Elon Musk已承诺Starlink终端将协助通讯。 The site has been evacuated, but Elon Musk has promised Starlink terminals to help with communication.