德鲁·巴里莫尔将几十年的女性友谊 评为她心碎时的关键情感支持 Drew Barrymore credits decades-long female friendships as her key emotional support during heartbreaks.
女演员Drew Barrymore在她的脱口秀节目中强调,长期的女性友谊对于帮助她应对浪漫的心碎非常重要。 On her talk show, actress Drew Barrymore emphasized the importance of long-standing female friendships in helping her cope with romantic heartbreaks. 她信任这些朋友,有些是30多年闻名的朋友,在分手后先打电话给他们,发现他们的支持非常宝贵。 She trusts these friends, some known for over 30 years, and calls them first after a breakup, finding their support invaluable. Barrymore强调了她们作为她主要情感支柱的作用,特别是在她没有传统家庭的情况下长大。 Barrymore highlighted their role as her primary emotional anchor, especially as she grew up without a traditional family.