Delta 2668航班因引擎故障而中止起飞,在冬季风暴扰乱飞行时疏散乘客。 Delta Flight 2668 aborted takeoff due to an engine issue, evacuating passengers as winter storm disrupts flights.
2025年1月10日, Delta Flight 2668, 一架从亚特兰大到明尼阿波利斯的波音757-300飞机由于引擎故障而停飞,导致通过幻灯片紧急撤离。 On January 10, 2025, Delta Flight 2668, a Boeing 757-300 from Atlanta to Minneapolis, aborted takeoff due to an engine issue, leading to an emergency evacuation via slides. 四名乘客受轻伤,一人被送往医院。 Four passengers sustained minor injuries, with one taken to a hospital. 这一事件是在严寒的冬季暴风雨中发生的,这次暴风雨导致全美2 600多次航班取消,亚特兰大遭受重大干扰。 The incident occurred amid a severe winter storm causing over 2,600 flight cancellations across the U.S., with Atlanta seeing significant disruptions. Delta道歉,并正在支援受影响的乘客。 Delta apologized and is supporting affected passengers. 联邦航空局将调查引擎问题。 The FAA will investigate the engine issue.