社区医疗中心公布了17.9M美元心脏中心,以满足蒙大拿不断增长的心脏需求。 Community Medical Center unveils $17.9M Heart Center to meet growing cardiac needs in Montana.
蒙大拿Missoula社区医疗中心开设了一个新的1 790万美元的心脏中心,以满足不断增长的心脏护理需求,特别是日益增长的老年人口的心脏病护理需求。 Community Medical Center in Missoula, Montana, has opened a new $17.9 million Heart Center to address rising cardiac care needs, especially among the growing elderly population. 这19 000平方英尺的设施包括两个导管实验室、门诊室和各种心脏状况的扩大服务。 The 19,000-square-foot facility includes two catheterization labs, outpatient rooms, and expanded services for various heart conditions. 它旨在向病人及其家庭提供高级护理和安慰,标志着在改善蒙大拿西部的心脏服务方面迈出了一大步。 It aims to provide advanced care and comfort to patients and their families, marking a significant step in improving cardiac services in western Montana.