Claire Redmond对在都柏林袭击两名妇女(包括她的嫂子)认罪。 Claire Redmond pleads guilty to assaulting two women, including her sister-in-law, in Dublin.
25岁的克莱尔·雷蒙德(Claire Redmond)承认在都柏林殴打两名妇女(包括她的小姨子), Claire Redmond, 25, pleaded guilty to assaulting two women in Dublin, including her sister-in-law, using violent means like punching and scratching. 由于先前没有定罪,她的辩护强调了她的悔恨和通过为期20周的治疗方案克服药物滥用的努力。 With no prior convictions, her defense highlighted her remorse and efforts to overcome substance abuse through a 20-week treatment program. 雷德蒙德的目标是成为一名成瘾咨询师并移居澳大利亚,在缓刑报告后等待判决。 Redmond, who aims to become an addiction counselor and move to Australia, awaits sentencing after a probation report.