英国癌症研究公司为三个城镇的人生竞赛活动提供50%的免入费。 Cancer Research UK offers 50% off entry fees for Race for Life events in three UK towns.
英国癌症研究公司在贝德福德,艾尔斯伯里和密尔顿凯恩斯的生命竞赛活动中提供50%的折扣. Cancer Research UK is offering a 50% discount on entry fees for its Race for Life events in Bedford, Aylesbury, and Milton Keynes. 这项被称为“早鸟”优惠的促销活动旨在鼓励更多参与者参加在当地公园举行的慈善比赛。 The sale, known as the "early bird" offer, is aimed at encouraging more participants to join the charity races held at local parks.