亚马逊引进零售服务,让其他零售商使用其广告工具来分享收入。 Amazon introduces Retail Ad Service, letting other retailers use its ad tools for a revenue share.
亚马逊已推出零售服务, 允许其他零售商在自己的网站上使用亚马逊的先进广告工具。 Amazon has launched its Retail Ad Service, allowing other retailers to use Amazon's advanced ad tools on their own websites. 服务使零售商能够展示相关的广告,定制广告设计和安置,以及获取广告计量工具。 The service lets retailers display relevant ads, customize ad design and placement, and access ad measurement tools. 它建在AWS上,提供可扩展的广告,零售商与亚马逊分享部分广告收入。 Built on AWS, it offers scalable advertising with retailers sharing a portion of the ad revenue with Amazon. 此举旨在增加亚马逊和参加零售商的广告收入。 This move aims to boost ad revenues for both Amazon and participating retailers.