Abbi Schaeffer的遗骸在2022年失踪后被发现;嫌疑人被控篡改证据。 Abbi Schaeffer's remains found after 2022 disappearance; suspects charged with evidence tampering.
Abbi Schaeffer,22岁,最后一次被人看见于2022年5月与Jacob Block和Eunice Carlo-Martinez一起进入堪萨斯市的一所住宅。 Abbi Schaeffer, 22, was last seen entering a home in Kansas City with Jacob Block and Eunice Carlo-Martinez in May 2022. 2023年4月1日,在沟渠中发现她的遗体。 Her remains were found in a ditch on April 1, 2023. 安保录像显示嫌犯拆除摄像机,把箱子装进U-Haul。 Security footage showed suspects deactivating cameras and loading a box into a U-Haul. Schaeffer的体内有芬太尼,尽管由于腐烂无法确定她的死因。 Schaeffer had fentanyl in her system, though her cause of death could not be determined due to decomposition. Block和Carlo-Martinez被指控从犯遗弃尸体和篡改证据。 Block and Carlo-Martinez have been charged with accessory abandonment of a corpse and tampering with evidence. 释放他们需要150 000美元现金保证金。 A $150,000 cash-only bond is required for their release.