福特和SK On的肯塔基州电池厂的工人寻求工会在安全和条件方面的代表权。 Workers at Ford and SK On's Kentucky battery plant seek union representation over safety and conditions.
肯塔基州的BlueOval SK电池厂是福特和SK On的合资企业,该公司的工人已向国家劳资关系委员会申请举行工会选举,要求联合汽车工人代表。 Workers at the BlueOval SK battery plant in Kentucky, a joint venture between Ford and SK On, have filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board, seeking representation by the United Auto Workers (UAW). 这一举动是在工人对安全和工作条件的担忧下进行的。 The move comes amid worker concerns over safety and working conditions. UAW 的目标是扩大其在传统上没有工会的南部地区的影响力,尽管该工厂的代表认为,请愿还为时过早,因为大多数工人尚未被雇用。 The UAW aims to expand its presence in the traditionally non-union South, though the plant's representative argues the petition is premature as most workers have not yet been hired.